Citizenship by Investment
Grenada Citizenship by Investment
By investing in the real estate projects approved by the government, the applicants are eligible to obtain Citizenship in Grenada. This programme was launched in 2013, it attracts high-net-worth investors from all over the world who is looking to increase their family's global mobility, and obtain the security of a second citizenship in Grenada.
The Grenada government is allowed to grant citizenship to persons who qualify under certain criteria and policy guidelines, and are able to boost the economic in Grenada.

Time to citizenship
7-11 months
Residency requirement
No residency requirements
Visa-free travel
149 countries and regions
No worldwide taxation or inheritance tax
Passport rank
30th in the world
Established time
Citizenship program launched in 2013

Application Requirements
To apply for the citizenship in Grenada, you shall satisfy the following requirements:
1. At least 18 years old.
2. Provide Police Certificate(s).
3. Legal source of funds.
4. Investment in Real Estate projects. (Globevisa conducts the option of $220,000 hotels)
Program Benefits
Available to include a spouse, children, siblings, parents and grandparents of the main application.
Dual citizenship is accepted.
Pathway to U.S. through E-2 Investor Visa Treaty.
Visa-Free Travel to 149 countries and regions.
Tax -Free incentives for residency.
Certain rights in U. K. and other Commonwealth member states.
A safety back-up for the identity, and to diversify the assets worldwide.